Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dancing In The Street

Groove Street is a great little club in Ft. Myers that plays the 70’s up until to today’s music. Well, the other night I thought it would be fun for a few of us couples to get together and go dancing there. When we got there, we went straight to the bar for some lemon drops. After feeling a little warm from the lemon drops, we ran out to the dance floor.

While dancing, we noticed a costume birthday party and one girl was dressed as Sandra Dee from Grease. So, my friends and I had to request Summer Nights from the sound track Grease, it was only appropriate for the occassion. When the DJ decided to play Summer Nights our whole group happened to be on the dance floor and us girls split from the boys as we started to sing the lyrics to the boys. Well then, the cutest thing happened, the boys began to sing the lyrics to us girls and all the people on the dance floor created a huge circle around us. As we got toward the end of the song we went back over to our husbands and sung the ending into their eyes. Awe…

It was great because after it was all over with we received a round of applause for our improvish moment. I’ll tell you I felt like I was in the movie. This is a memory I’ll never forget and the best part is that everyone around us had a blast as well.


Todd Bursztyn said...

Sounds like one of those too-perfect "something-that-only-happens-in-
movies" moments. Very cute. By the by, your post's first word is missing an "o". It's glaring at me...

Subversive Me said...

Glad you had fun! I went there early March after a concert at BBMann for an impromptu girls nite out. My only issue was smelling like cig smoke when i got out.