Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Real Estate Menu Here In Florida

Okay, so we have had a tough time with the real-estate market for the past two years, but tough times are starting to look up. I am personally a real-estate junkie and I have found that prices are great and people are starting to look as well as buy. I’m also seeing pending and sold signs on several homes. I believe that, if the price is right then why the hell not? I’m sure everyone knows how interest rates have gone down immensely and depending on your credit the interest rates are now starting out at about 5% and that's on a 30 year fixed mortgage. This is crazy good!

I remember back in the day when I would say…if I only knew then what I know now I would’ve bought… Well that time is here and I believe it to be one of the reasons people are buying. It is actually exciting to hear from various realtors who have been in the industry for 20 + years that the time is now, today, not a year from now because in a year from now the prices and interest rates are going to go up. So all these signs point to buying, but is it to early to start buying? Or should we wait it out longer, what do you think?


Subversive Me said...

I'd like to try Northern FL or Southern GA for real estate. Although i have friends that swear all of Florida will be underwater within the next decade. Maybe we should look into mountain living in that case? :-)

Marguerita said...

It is a great time to buy real estate, but what if you're young and you don't plan on staying in one place too long, then what do you do.

Personally I don't see myself buying any real estate soon because I feel the market will be down for a while. Plus I don't plan on starting a family until 5 years from now.

I guess it is a great time to buy if you have a family, but for the people who only have themselves, I guess we can still sit back and wait until our moment.

P.S. I like the new layout. I believe it says Florida.